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[retinaiconbox icon=”beaker” color=”#289dcc” title=”METAL RESCUE”][/retinaiconbox]Metal Rescue™ Rust Remover Bath is your clean, safe and easy solution to removing rust from iron and steel. Metal Rescue™ utilizes a unique and selective chelating agent to remove rust.

[one_fourth][retinaiconbox icon=”magic” color=”#289dcc” title=”DRY COAT”][/retinaiconbox]
Dry Coat™ Rust Preventative is a water-based liquid RP for ferrous metals and represents a significant advancement in corrosion prevention technology.[/one_fourth]

[one_fourth][retinaiconbox icon=”tags” color=”#289dcc” title=”VCI FILM”][/retinaiconbox]
ARMOR POLY® VCI films combine the benefit of barrier packaging with anti-corrosion protection in an easy to use form allowing for safe, clean, easy and dry packaging of metal products.[/one_fourth]

[one_fourth_last][retinaiconbox icon=”gears” color=”#289dcc” title=”VCI PAPER”][/retinaiconbox]
ARMOR WRAP® VCI papers utilize our proprietary VCI nanotechnology, and are essential to keeping your shipments, stored items, and in-process metals protected and corrosion-free for years.[/one_fourth_last]

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[one_half_last][separator headline=”h3″ title=”We Are WEALTHY SHINE CO., LTD”][accordion open=”1″]
[accordion-item title=”Nice To Meet You.” icon=”music”]The WEALTHY SHINE CO., LTD, has been established since 2002. The company’s main businesses are supply products that are in both direct and indirect of metal industries. Directly, WEALTHY SHINE is an agant and distributor in both ferrous and non ferrous to many industries such copper for electric tranformers, steel/metal for both car and appliances industry, stainless steel for both car and kitchen wares industry etc. indirectly, WEALTHY SHINE supply material for packaging which is new technology from USA is under brand of ARMOR.[/accordion-item]


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[callout title=”WEALTHY SHINE CO., LTD Product Categories List.” button=”Download Now” link=”#” buttoncolor=”alternative-1″ target=”_blank” buttonmargin=”4px 0 0 0;”]คุณสามารถดาวน์โหลดรายการสินค้าของบริษัท เวลที้ ไซน์ จำกัด ได้แล้วที่นี่…[/callout]

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